Tidepool # 10 at Race Rocks

In May 2004 the biology class measured features of several pools, including this one, pool 10.

This file has been started to present some of the information we have accumulated on the pool in order to stimulate students to raise further questions and devise problems that can be investigated at the pool. It is also intended to be part of a cumulative digital legacy that those examining the pool can pass on to future students.

This pool has a diameter of less than half a meter .This pool is characterized by having a base of white crystalline quartz. It is also shaded for much of the day, and is usually filled with harpacticoids.

white quartz with harpactacoids visible

SEE THIS REFERENCE in the Race Rocks Taxonomy on Harpacticoids

A large amphipod and the small red harpacticoids in pool 10