Introduction to the Thirteen Moons

THE 13 MOONS of the WSANEC (Saanich people )

By the end of this activity you will be able to:

  • Understand calendars of different cultures
  • Understand the importance of moons in First Nations culture and its relation to the environment
  • Interview an Elder in your community
  • Relate the moons to your own environment
  • Create your own calendar of moons
  • Create a video in which you present your own moon
  • Understand and demonstrate how music to enhances the meaning of a video


Find and Filter/Work with Information

After reviewing the 13 moons resources and history of the Coast Salish peoples with you, your teacher will show you a sample interview of an Elder. In this video the Elder Earle Claxton talks about the use of organisms from the sea for food and medicines. As a class discuss why this information is important to the culture of the Coast Salish peoples. You will also be shown a video first without music, then with music. Compare and contrast the two videos and then discuss what music you think would enhance the Earle Claxton interview.

Archived Videos : First Nations at Race Rocks

Your teacher will organise the class into groups of two and give you the attached worksheet. If you find that you come across words that you do not know, use the vocabulary builder. After you have completed your information gathering, get together with your partner and do the following:

As in the calendar depicted above, each of you will make your own calendar with one significant event in your life/community for each moon. Choose one moon between the two of you and using the format of the 13 moons resource as an example, develop a video presentation in which you :

  • Give an overview for all of the moons of your calendar

  • Interview an elder of your community about activities that happen during one of the chosen moons

  • Correlate this month with the month of the Gregorian calendar to which your chosen moon relates.

  • Give your moon a name that means something to you.
  • Show an illustration of your moon.
  • Describe the meaning of the illustration including a description of what each component in the picture means.
  • Include background information about your moon
  • Describe the typical weather during your moon. Talk about how it affects the activities you do during this time.
  • Discuss the activities that happen during this time in your community.
  • Include other general statements you have about events during this moon.


Each group will create a video in which they present the calendar to your class and include the information from above. Each video must include:

  • a title page
  • the above information and interview
  • at least 4 scenes
  • three types of transitions between scenes
  • music that complements your moon story


How have the thirteen moons WSANEC people guided their activities? How does your moon guide your activities?


Go to the assessment page where your teacher will lead you through a discussion about expectations for this assignment.