The Traditional Power Generation System at Race Rocks

Being an isolated Light Station, Race Rocks relied fully on power generated on site up to October of 2006. Electricity was supplied after the start of the light tower in 1860 by a series of diesel run electrical generators.So far we have no information on the kind of generators used in these early years. This page provides a profile of the diesel electrical generating system which now forms part of a back-up for our integrated energy system.
The Engine Room and Oil storage Tanks(2002)
The delivery of a new generator, November, 2000.This generator had a lower output rating, but would be less expensive to run since there were no longer two families living on the island since automation.


The original engine room (ca 1860) concrete pad with the newer Solar panel, batteries and the foghorn which the Coastguard had installed to allow automation to take place.



This file describes the site remediation and restoration project for the old diesel oil tank farm which was removed in 2000



Environmental Impact of the existing Diesel Oil Energy System.



The hoses for transporting diesel oil to the island are wound on a central drum on the island. These reach from the dock where fuel is brought by boat, over to the oil storage tanks at the engine room.

Alex Chan beside the diesel fuel storage tank. 2005 Link to the CARBON CYCLE