Darwin Core Archive Species identified in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve in British Columbia

Garry Fletcher,  Lester B Pearson College, 650 Pearson College Drive, V9C 4H7, Victoria, Canada;
Mary Kennedy, OBIS Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, B2Y 4A2, Dartmouth
Corresponding author(s): Garry Fletcher (garryf(use the at sign) gmail.com), Mary Kennedy (mary.kennedy(use the at sign)dfo-mpo.gc.ca)
Received {date}; Revised {date}; Accepted {date}; Published {date}

Citation: Combination of authors, year of data paper publication (in parenthesis), Title, Journal Name, Volume, Issue number (in parenthesis), and doi of the data paper.
XwaYeN (Race Rocks) is a showcase for Pacific marine life; including large marine mammals, seabirds, fish, invertebrates and plants. XwaYeN has a rich marine heritage and is culturally significant for several First Nations in the area. The waters surrounding XwaYeN (Race Rocks) are also an important nursery and recruitment area for Northern abalone, currently listed as a threatened marine species by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). Protecting this area will enhance the protection of this threatened species.

In 1980, the province of British Columbia, under the authority of the provincial Ecological Reserves Act, established the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, which provides for the protection of the terrestrial natural and cultural heritage values (nine islets) and of the ocean seabed (to the 20 fathoms contour line). Ocean dumping, dredging and the extraction of non-renewable resources are not permitted within the boundaries of the Ecological Reserve.

Ecological Reserves are areas in British Columbia selected to preserve representative and special natural ecosystems, plant and animal species, features, and phenomena. Ecological Reserves provide the highest level of protection for the maintenance of physical and biological diversity while allowing for research and educational activities. Click here for more information on Ecological Reserves.  Race Rocks Ecological Reserve was established to protect terrestrial, intertidal and sub-tidal communities that are extremely rich as a result of strong tidal currents. Continue reading