Shift Change Dec 18th

Jasper departed from Race Rocks early in the morning and I arrived around noon.  I have been off the island since my last shift ended in early March.

Thanks to Jasper and preceding guardians for keeping things tidy and running smoothly out here. Also, a big thanks to Courtney Edwards. Today was her last day working at the College. Over the past two years Courtney has contributed greatly to Race Rocks and Pearson College both as an Ecoguardian and Shorefront Manager.


  • Wind was blowing west 20-25 knots when I arrived and dropped over the afternoon.
  • both male elephant seals were on the main island when I arrived
  • a small female elephant seal hauled out mid afternoon, headed across the island, checked out the sealions off the south side then headed back to boat ramp, avoiding Chunk on the way.


  • picked up new tools/parts and pelican case for the boston whaler
  • spoke with Jasper and Courtney about energy system, battery maintenance, etc.

Marine Vessels

  • only our station whaler, leaving and returning.


  • Unloaded supplies and unpacked.  Toured facilities to get reacquainted and take stock of new systems and maintenance needs.