Environmental Protection of the Ecological Reserve with the Installation of the Tidal current Generator at Race Rocks

This file provides information on the process used to ensure environmental protection of the Ecological Reserve with the installation of the tidal current generator at Race Rocks.




1.Permit Application for Research on the Ecological Reserve 2004

2. Appendix A– Energy at Race Rocks : The problems and Solutions:

3. Environmental Impact of Tidal Current Energy Generation on Marine Mammals: Addendum to Clean Current Permit Application: Garry Fletcher.

4. References on the effects of Tidal Energy Generation on Marine Life:

5. Information for the Race Rocks Advisory Board on Alternate Energy Developments In the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: 2004.

6.Outline of Expectations for a Baseline Study and Follow-up monitoring of the Current Energy Project at Race Rocks:

7. Video of the type of organisms that grow in the area of the turbine site.

8. Pam and Jason of Archipelago Marine Document life forms along the cable path.

9. Video of impact of Concrete Anchor Placement for the Tidal Energy Project

10. Environmental Monitoring at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve related to the Pearson College-Encana-Clean Current Tidal Power Demonstration Project by Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine, 2006.

11. Environmental Impact of the Diesel Energy Power generation System at Race Rocks

12. Preliminary Environmental Screening for: range Expansion of generator shed for battery storage

:13. Preliminary Environmental Screening for: Installation of Electrical Cable and Conduits at Race Rocks

14. Preliminary Environmental Screening for: Installation of the Piling for the tidal energy generator:.https://www.racerocks.ca/bc-parks-impact-assessment-process/

1. Excerpts from the Permit Application for Research on the Ecological Reserve: 2004

From the : Detailed Proposal : Tidal Turbine Generator Replacing Diesel Generators
at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve

  • 1. Purpose of the project: To develop, install and test tidal turbine generator technology used in conjunction with an electrical storage system to replace existing twin 15 kW diesel generators
  • 2. The turbine generator will be placed in 13 metres of water between the main island of Great Race Rock and Middle Island. The location is called “Middle Passage”. The storage system will be located in the existing generator building on the main island of Great Race Rocks.
  • 3. Scope and objectives of research: The overall objective of this project is to displace the existing diesel generation. This will be achieved by designing, building and deploying a tidal generator approximately 3 metres in diameter. The design of this unit will be directly scalable to a 1.0 MW unit in order to allow the validation of the design as well as the demonstration of the operability and reliability of the unit prior to the final commercial tidal generator.
  • In order to accomplish these goals, several research tasks have been identified:
    1. A control system will be developed to maximize the power output at a given flow condition and then perform power conditioning and power management with the battery storage system.

    2. The hydraulic characteristics of the blade under the highly turbulent conditions at Race Rocks will be quantified. Investigations will also be conducted in the area of flow cavitation to assess its impact on power production and blade erosion. These results will be used to calibrate the analytical flow prediction tools.
    3. Fouling is a major issue for the long term operability and reliability of the tidal generator. Research will be focused on evaluating various materials as well as alternative methodologies that minimize the impact of fouling. All of the proposed solutions must be non-toxic and have minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystem. This is critical in an ecological reserve environment.
    4. Corrosion is another area that requires considerable research. Several materials and coatings will be evaluated at the Race Rocks location once Permit approval has been obtained but prior to unit installation. This preliminary research will continue after unit installation in order to gain a longer-term assessment of the corrosion resistance of various materials. This will aid in the determination of tidal generator reliability and maintenance schedules.
  • 4 Proposed Methodology..(see 5).
  • 5. This schedule can be completed if permit approvals are obtained by September 1, 2004. Final installation will be scheduled in October 2005 to avoid weather delays. Work will be done in advance whenever possible to avoid nesting seasons and other ecologically sensitive periods.
  • 6. Clean Current Power Systems will provide funding for the project. Clean Current will obtain its funding from Sale of Common Shares. Costs excluding administrative overhead are as follows:.. (not included)..
  • 7. This proposal creates renewable energy to displace fossil fuels. The proposal conforms to Page 16 of the Race Rocks management plan for Facility Management
  • Objectives:
    •To showcase alternative, low impact technologies”
  • 8. No specimens will be collected.
  • 9. Existing buildings and conduits will be used wherever possible. One large hole will be drilled through bedrock to create a conduit for electrical cables (and system monitoring instrumentation) under water to about 3 feet above the high water mark. The purpose is to avoid shoreline turbulence and associated cable damage. Drilling one hole to place a post upon which the turbine generator will be mounted will disturb the bedrock in the middle of the passage.
  • 10. Scheduling will be used to avoid disturbing bird during nesting season. Consultations with marine biologists will be used to assess impact before deployment of the unit. Underwater cameras will be used to monitor the impact of the turbine generator on fish and ocean mammals.
  • 11. This will be the first free stream tidal turbine generator installed offshore in Canada and it will attract attention from commercial media. It is expected that Pearson College will publish studies of the ecological impact of this form of renewable energy.
  • B.Names of researchers or educators involved: ( not included here)


A brief written in support of the Race Rocks Clean Current Project by Garry Fletcher, warden of the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve since 1980, faculty member of Pearson College, and Educational Director of racerocks.com 4. June 2, 2004
In keeping with our long term commitment to the Ecological Reserve and to the Marine Protected Area Initiative to provide a consistent level of stewardship for XwaYen,  (Race Rocks), I offer the following points for discussion.

    In 2000, we facilitated the research for the Master’s Thesis of Taco Niet of IESVIC of the Engineering department at the University of Victoria.  In his thesis, he modelled an integrated energy system for Race Rocks.  He was able to demonstrate the overwhelming advantages of Tidal Current Energy over solar and wind for producing a reliable and sustained source of energy for the operation of the island.
    Since taking over the operation of Race Rocks in 1997, it has been our aim to provide for the operation of the facilities at Race Rocks by powering the two residences and the research and education facilities with a form of alternate energy technology that allows for minimum environmental impact.
    The bottom line in the stewardship commitment of Lester B. Pearson College is to keep the area ecologically sustainable and to ensure long-term ecological integrity.  This proposal of Clean Current Energy fills a serious need; the goal of providing low or no- impact technology for the generation of electricity to ensure our ability to operate in the reserve. Being able to continue having staff on the island serving as Marine Protected Area Guardians is essential to this goal.  The presence of people in the island and the ability to provide surveillance for the ecological reserve.
    In the Proposal to Designate  (Race Rocks) Marine Protected Area, prepared by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2000 it was emphasized that the Precautionary approach should be used: “All management actions, including the regulation of appropriate uses, will be based on the precautionary approach. The precautionary approach means, “erring on the side of caution.” This principle puts the burden of proof on anyone conducting activities within Race Rocks MPA to demonstrate that there will be no damage to the marine ecosystem from the proposed activity.”
    We intend to ensure that this principle is adhered to at every step of the way in the development of this project.  So far in our contacts and discussions with the proponents from Clean Current Energy Inc. we have every reason to believe that they will meet and if necessary exceed our requirements for environmental impact compliance.

We presently power the station and heat the 2 residences with diesel fuel. The potential negative impact of this utility on the ecology of the area has always been considered as an impetus to introduce more alternate energy systems.

    • Diesel fuel is supplied to the island two or three times a year. The possibility always exists that a technical problem with the boat, failure of transfer pumps and hoses, or human error could lead to an ecological impact if fuel oil escaped the transfer system.
    • Emissions created by the diesel generators are considerable and although there are no human settlements immediately downwind of the utility, the yearly contribution to the atmospheric waste stream of hydrocarbons is significant.
    •  Diesel Generator noise is an ongoing concern. The aesthetics on the otherwise pristine audio environment of the island of the constant noise from the generators is a significant factor.  Furthermore noise could be impacting negatively on communicative behaviour: predator response capability, foraging and mating/nesting behaviour of the five species of Marine birds nest on the island, as well as the large number of seasonal migrant bird species and winter resident avian populations. In addition, the noise caused by the diesel generators could impact on the marine mammal population in similar ways.
    •  Fuel storage on the island is done by double-hulled 9000 litre tanks which currently meet the required environmental standards but which do have a life span and therefore will eventually need replacement.
    • The fuel storage tanks on the island are vulnerable in the event of earthquakes.
    •  The severe weather common in the area for many days of the year and the high tidal currents (up to 7 Knots) mean that containment of spilled oil by booms would probably be impossible, resulting in severe invertebrate and algal loss in the intertidal zones, and massive mortality of marine birds and mammals.



  • An energy generation system that meets, in one installation the energy needs at Race Rocks using an environmentally clean source of power, would be a great asset indeed.   It would decrease the risks associated with the present energy generation system, and provide a pollution free method of energy generation. It would also provide a perfect model for how governments and institutions can lead the way in development of clean energy resources.


  • ·       It has been an aim of the science teachers at Pearson College for several years to have demonstration units of methods of alternate energy generation available for instructional purposes. Our students come on scholarship from over 80 countries. While at the college they have the opportunity to see in operation a model of renewable and sustainable energy for electrification which can taken back and applied in other coastal countries. 
  • ·       Alternate energy technology is a part of the Environmental Systems syllabus, as are the studies of tide and currents.  This would also be an important addition to the physics and biology programs at the college.  There would be ample opportunity to study this system first hand, and to compare it with other technologies.
  • ·        On our website for racerocks.com, we would be developing a set of interactive activities that could be used by our students as well as others in high schools and colleges. These curricular materials could allow students to view the structure by underwater video, to monitor output in real time and to use the accumulated data showing energy generation patterns along with correlation with tidal events.  They would also be able to compare generation data with other prototypes such as a wind generator and solar panels in order to get a relative comparison of the efficiencies of such technologies. A case study approach would be used to enable students to model the use of such technology in a number of coastal areas around the world.  The opportunity for our students to experience this environment and a sustainable energy source that has minimal human impact would be a great educational resource.


  • .Addendum to Clean Current Permit Application: Garry Fletcher. Ecological Reserve Warden and Educational director, racerocks.com July 6, 2004.  Concern for the environmental impact of the proposed energy turbine on the marine mammal population is anticipated for this Ecological Reserve.  I have researched this problem and have not come up with  evidence of any severe impact potential . Without many models  of this technology operational worldwide, it is a concern that needs close monitoring.   See quotes below on comments about environmental impacts of tidal energy.    It should be noted that in our experience, the impact of  unregulated boating in the reserve has had  more of an impact on the marine mammals than anything else. In 2000, we recommended  to the Race Rocks Marine Protected Area Advisory Board that the speed of motor boats had to be reduced. In the two preceding years,  a total of 9 decapitated baby harbor seals had washed ashore or been found in the vicinity of Race Rocks. The message was impressed on the Whale watching boat owners and over the next few months, observations of boats going too fast in the reserve were reported to DFO and their subsequent follow up curbed the incidence of collisions.  Baby seals rarely leave the shoreline until they have grown, but if they are out in the boat traffic lane at Race Rocks, they tend to lay on the surface and do not have any quick response capability to oncoming boats. There are still however, the occasional private boats that do not heed this advisory. In January of 2003, a fully grown male elephant seal was run over and injured by a boat. He came ashore on the jetty at the island, and spent the next year  recovering. We have archived the two video clips on this animal  ( search .slash). It is also typical that these large males will lie for some time near the surface in calm water, usually close to the islands.
  • It must also be recognized that there are also a number of other impacts on marine mammals that have not been addressed.  For instance,  the Northern and California Sea Lions continue to be disturbed by the DND blasting exercise at Bentinck Island.
4. References on the effects of Tidal Energy Generation on Marine Life:
2002 October 24 BC Hydro, Engineering
Prepared by:
Triton Consultants Ltd. Vancouver BC
http://www.bchydro.com/environment/greenpower/greenpower1652.html .
The matter of how these types of facilities would affect and be affected by fish and marine mammals is the overriding environmental issue to be resolved. As noted at the outset, there is also a dearth of actual experience based information on the subject. Examination of the most favourable sites, Table 1 and Table 2 indicate that two thirds are located in the area of Johnstone Strait/Discovery Channel. This is also a major migration route for salmon and is home to resident marine mammals notably killer whales. It is uncertain if salmon, which will generally seek out advantageous currents during their migration, would “see”, react and avoid large rotating turbine blades. There is not any particular elevation in the water column which the fish favour over others and which could be used to locate turbines to avoid collisions. The blades themselves rotate quite slowly relative to hydroelectric and wind turbines, namely a few revolutions per minute depending on current speed, blade curvature and size but always to maintain a blade tip speed of less than 7m/s (when cavitation is likely to occur). Those configurations which either use a ducted turbine or a venturi and which could be fitted with a screen to keep fish from entering the machine would be advantageous. It may also be worth testing other, behavioural means of keeping fish and mammals away, e.g., tickle voltages, strobe lights.
As noted this is a major issue for tidal current power facilities. It is doubtful that it can be fully resolved prior to installing a demonstration unit. However, such a demonstration unit would provide a much-needed opportunity to assess this technology and its environmental effects especially those related to fish and marine mammal impacts.

Marine Pollution

Since there are no emissions or discharges from these units, marine pollution would be restricted to matters related to leakage of lubricants and the type of paint or coating that the subsurface structures would use to prevent excessive growth of marine organisms. Some of these materials are extremely toxic. They would need to be carefully selected with the implications of their use fully considered.”

ii)  Marine Current Turbines : http://www.marineturbines.com/technical.htm

Environmental Impact Analyses completed by independent consultants have confirmed our belief that the technology does not offer any serious threat to fish or marine mammals. The rotors turn slowly (10 to 20 rpm) (a ship propeller by comparison typically runs 10 times as fast and moreover our rotors stay in one place whereas some ships move much faster than sea creatures can swim). There is no significant risk of leakage of noxious substances and the risk of impact from our rotor blades is extremely small bearing in mind that the flow spirals in a helical path through the rotor and that nature has adapted marine creatures so that they do not collide with obstructions (marine mammals generally have sophisticated sonar vision).

iii)  Tidal Energy

Article by : Lawrence Tse & Duane Bong


Environmental Impact

Tidal energy is a renewable resource that does not result in the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. Since it does not contribute to acid rain or global warming, tidal energy is thought to be environmentally friendly. … The exact impact of this on complex marine ecosystems is not known. Nevertheless, the environmental impacts of tidal energy are expected to be much less than other non-renewable forms of power generation.



Fraenkel, P.L. (1999); Tidal Currents: A Major New Source of Energy for the Millennium; Sustainable Developments International, United Kingdom;

 The environmental impact resulting from marine current energy use is likely to be minimal. Project planning will need to be cognizant of species protection including fish and marine mammals, although since the blade velocities and pressure gradients are low this is unlikely to cause any serious problems (Fraenkel, 1999). In siting turbines, consideration of shipping routes and present recreational uses such as fishing and diving will be required. It may be necessary to establish fishery exclusion zones.

v)  The following is an excerpt from a report done for the United Kingdom Parliament:

UK PARLIAMENT… Select Committee on Science and Technology Seventh Report

……..Environmental aspects:

  • 47. While providing a clean, reliable source of energy, the installation of any artificial device into the environment will affect it in some ways. A number of concerns have been raised about the environmental impacts of wave and tidal devices. Among the most important of these are:
    Effect on marine life. Concerns have been raised about the danger to marine animals, such as seals and fish, from wave and tidal devices.[96] We have had no evidence that this is a significant problem. Such devices may actually benefit the local fauna by creating non-fishing ‘havens’ and structures such as anchoring devices may create new reefs for fish colonization.[97]
        Effect on the sea and sea bed.  By altering wave patterns and tidal streams, devices will undoubtedly have an effect, for example, upon the deposition of sediment.[98] Research carried out to date would seem to indicate that the effects would not be significant, and may even be positive, for example by helping to slow down coastal erosion. (This is particularly pertinent in light of evidence that waves have steadily increased in size in the recent past.[99]) The sea in the lee of devices would almost certainly be calmer than normal, but, it has been suggested, this would help in creating more areas for activities such as water sports or yachting.[100]
    Effect on local landscape.
    Most wave and tidal energy devices would be invisible from the shore. They would have none of the problems of visual and noise pollution that older versions of wind turbines engender. The main impact would probably be from the extensive transmission lines needed to take the energy from the shoreline to final users.[101] As many of the best sites for tidal energy, in particular, are near Sites of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSIs), this problem would have to be addressed, possibly by using underground transmission lines
    Effect on fishing and shipping activities. Offshore wave and tidal devices would almost certainly require areas to be closed to fishing and shipping activities. The siting of such devices would have to be negotiated, therefore, with relevant local groups (for example, fishermen), as well as with national and international bodies.

48. The environmental impacts of any energy scheme should be considered carefully. More research should be funded to explore more fully the potential effects of the installation of wave and tidal devices, and greater consultation carried out with affected bodies and communities. Any local impact, however, should be balanced against the global effect of continued reliance on fossil fuel sources of energy: for every 1% increase in market share by a renewable technology, there is a 2% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Notably, wave and tidal energy is supported by bodies such as Greenpeace.[102] The adverse environmental impact of wave and tidal energy devices is minimal and far less than that of nearly any other source of energy, but further research is required to establish the effect of real installations.[103]

vi) Tidal Energy Production
www.bluenergy.com/ pdfsOceanBlueEnergy/TidalEnergyPrimer.pdf From: Environmental Overview – Tidal Current Power

• Environmental Signature

  • – expected long-life of components (thin-shelled marine caissons, durable steel turbines, electrical generating equipment, electrical transmission cables)
  • – requires no fuel
  • – produces no emissions
  • – produces no waste products during operation
  • – little or no siltation expected during operation
  • – open sluice, slow-rotor design allows for easy passage of fish and marine invertebrates
  • – minimal noise expected during operation
  • – minimal EMF (electro-magnetic field) expected during operation
  • • Main Environmental Concerns
  • – impact on fish and marine mammal movement and/or migration rotors
  • Mitigation: rotors stop at slack tide, protective barriers, sensory braking tech., acoustical tracking technology to guide fish and mammals
  • – deflection of local energy regime (as energy is removed by turbines)
  • Response: energy displacement is NOT expected to be significant
  • – marine fouling (encrustation) of energy system components by algae and invertebrates
  • Mitigation: use of non-toxic, anti-fouling materials
  • – noise and/or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) in marine environment
  • • Third party evaluation of environmental impact of tidal current energy generation
  •  • Main Environmental Concerns– impact on fish and marine mammal movement and/or migration rotors
  • Mitigation: rotors stop at slack tide, protective barriers, sensory braking tech., acoustical tracking technology to guide fish and mammals
  • – deflection of local energy regime (as energy is removed by turbines)
  • Response: energy displacement is NOT expected to be significant
  • – marine fouling (encrustation) of energy system components by algae and invertebrates
  • Mitigation: use of non-toxic, anti-fouling materials
  • – noise and/or electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) in marine environment
  • Response: noise and/or EMF from operation expected to be minimalRecent Letters of Support from leading environmental organizationsfor Tidal Current Energy Generation 
  • David Suzuki Foundation (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

“We were pleased to learn that both BC Hydro and federal agencies are interested in pursuing further demonstration initiatives involving tidal and ocean power technologies. As you know, we believe these forms of energy development are worthy of attention and research and development support. … (We) support the further development of tidal and ocean power sources and encourage inclusion of those sources within government and utility programs designed to foster renewable energy sources.” — Gerry Scott (Director, Climate Change Campaign) 07/2001

  • David Suzuki Foundation (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

“BC’s coastline is ideal at several locations for hydro turbine energy production. Please encourage BC Hydro, Environment Canada and Industry Canada to contact our office for material on Climate Change and why tidal energy is one of Canada’s solutions. … Government support for Ballard Power moved it from an undercapitalized energy concept to a world leading fuel cell developer. Government support for ecologically friendly hydro-turbine technology could similarly move the Davis concept into production on a national and international scale.” – Jim Fulton (Executive Director) 07/2001

  • Sierra Club of British Columbia (Victoria, BC, Canada)

“The Sierra Club of BC is very interested in exploring what means of support the Government of Canada is proposing to offer to renewable energy projects in BC. We are especially interested in exploring how support could be given to prototypes that show a potential for successful pilot projects, such as the Davis Hydro Turbine.”

– Michael Mascall (Chair) 07/2001

  • The Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

“Tidal energy in particular deserves full investigation as a viable energy alternative. Of all the choices at our disposal, tidal energy appears to be the least understood – even though it has many times the energetic potential as wind, for example. The Society Promoting Environmental Conservation fully supports any initiatives or demonstration projects which would prove it to both environmentally benign and a reliable source of electrical power.” – David Cadman (President) 07/2001 – END –
It should be noted here that Clean Current Engineers incorporated a design change into the tidal generator to lessen the impact on marine mammals. A one meter hole through the centre became integral to the design.

5. Information for the Race Rocks Advisory Board on Alternate Energy Developments In the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve.  2004

It is some time since we last met to review developments in the MPA Process for Race Rocks. I must emphasize at the outset that this letter is not intended as a part of the Marine Protected Area Process but considering your active involvement in the discussions about the future of Race Rocks and sustain ability issues and in light of our commitment to keep you informed, we want to keep you up to date on the present new developments.

As you may recall, in the Management Plan for the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve,  (http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/planning/mgmtplns/race_rocks/race_rocks%20er06june02.pdf) in the section on Ongoing Management, page 27, it was stated that we would “Investigate opportunities to utilize alternative technologies. Monitor technology that makes more intensive use possible with less impact on the natural values”. 

We have for some time presented on the racerocks.com web pages, our views about increasing the role of Alternate Energy technology on the islands in order to reduce the environmental impact of energy generation due to the traditional diesel technology. Links fromour energy  pages provide insight into the results of the modelling of wind, solar and current technologies as carried out by Taco Niet of the University of Victoria in the preparation of his Masters thesis. (1) In his modelling exercises, he found tidal current to be the most attractive because of the small ecological footprint, predictability and modest environmental impact.

Lester B. Pearson College has recently obtained from The Ministry of Water, Land and Air protection an amendment to the permit covering our management and research in the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve to include a new Tidal Current facility designed to replace the diesel generators operating on Great Race Rocks.

 Early this year, Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated (Clean Current) approached Pearson College with a proposal to install a 3.5 metre diameter demonstration tidal generator and a battery system to replace the diesel generators. The turbine generator will generate electricity with no greenhouse gas emissions. It will be the first free stream tidal turbine generator deployed in Canadian waters that will replace an existing power source. The project is expected to yield many environmental, research and educational benefits.

I have been impressed at every step of the way over the past year with the open sincerity and thoughtfulness displayed by the proponents of this new technology. Early presentations by the Clean Current team secured the support, regulatory Approvals and encouragement of the following:

  • Gary Neilson, Area Supervisor (Acting) Juan de Fuca Area , BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Environmental Stewardship Division, Parks & Protected Areas
  • Glen Rasmussen, A/ICZM Coordinator, South Coast , DFO
  •  Rob Russell, Habitat Biologist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
  • Jim Schellenberg, Navigable waters Protection officer with Transport Canada
  • Terry Weber, Superintendent of Navigation Aids Branch, Canadian Coastguard. 

Our College Seafront Coordinator and Operations Manager for Race Rocks, Chris Blondeau, our College Director, Stuart Walker and I have been actively involved throughout the consultations. The College is providing its full support toward the successful implementation of this project.

 I have also introduced Glen Darou, the President of Clean Current, to the Chief and Council of the Beecher Bay Band. After he presented the proposal, they indicated that they would not oppose the plan. Considerable planning has gone into the location and timing of the installation. We will ensure that all appropriate measures will be taken during installation to minimize disturbance to the environment. This project will reduce the danger of hydrocarbon spills, reduce noise levels and eliminate air emissions. This project is a final and critical part of Clean Current’s technology.development plan. Clean Current will arrange funding for the project.

Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated (Clean Current) is a private Canadian controlled corporation headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. Clean Current has developed a high efficiency tidal turbine generator that can be deployed as individual units or in farms similar to wind energy farms. The prototype developed for Race Rocks will be capable of meeting all the energy needs of Race Rocks, while retaining integration with the present diesel generators for a backup system.

Glen Darou has offered to make a presentation to members of the Advisory Board should there be an interest in obtaining further information. Please advise me by email if you would like to attend a review of the project in the coming month. If there is sufficient interest, a time and place will be communicated shortly.  As installation proceeds, a complete record will be documented and presented on the racerocks.com website, and our new 360 degree robotic camera should help to  keep the process over the next year in focus.

(1)  Niet, T, McLean, G, “Race Rocks Sustainable Energy Development”, Paper presented at 11th Canadian Hydrogen Conference, Victoria, BC, p.9 “Conclusions”, June 2001

Garry Fletcher
Educational Director, racerocks.com
Ecological Reserve Warden.

Christian  Blondeau
Seafront Coordinator,
Operations Manager Race Rocks
Lester B. Pearson College

Dave  Skilling
External  Relations, Public  Relations  Coordinator
Lester B. Pearson College.

6.Outline of Requirements for a Baseline Study and Follow-up monitoring of the Current Energy Project at Race Rocks: The contract was let to Archipelago Marine. Their reports are linked below at number 10.


Race Rocks is an Ecological Reserve and Marine Protected Area designate with an environment above and below water which is sensitive to human impact. Thus we are committed to evaluating and quantifying the environmental impact of the Pearson College-EnCana-Clean Current Tidal Power Demonstration Project at Race Rocks. Further, since this work is being done under permit from BC PARKS as a research project, every effort will be taken to develop solutions that reduce, minimize or mitigate the environmental impacts of the project.

We require a baseline study and report to be produced by monitoring prior to the construction phase and over the duration of the construction process. This is not a full Environmental Assessment Process, but one which is designed to obtain third party monitoring and immediate feedback during the process, with the purpose of verifying control of impact or providing immediate recommendations for mitigation in the event of unanticipated perceived environmental impact. Since the project is also part of a teaching process, full documentation and transparency of the process will be made available directly to students when possible and eventually through the racerocks.com website as an archive.

TIME FRAME: The contract will commence with the land phase on March1 and continue until completion of the installation in early 2006.



1. Develop a baseline record of terrestrial species and the impact of the installation and conduit installation on the land during construction.

2. Provide a baseline record of the integrity of historic structures and control of impact by the installation process.

3. Monitor the sound levels on land in designated locations before and during the land installation phase, and after the commencement of operation of the tidal current generator.

4. Monitoring the lighting levels if after dark work is required before and during construction.

5. Monitor the impact on bird life and behaviour during the land installation phases of the intertidal zone conduit, the land line and the energy storage and conditioning installation in the engine room.

6. Monitor the effects of the land construction phase on any existing marine mammals in the Reserve.

7. Monitor the effect of transport of materials, crew and equipment during the land installation and construction phase.


8. Develop a baseline record of marine organisms and the impact on them before, during and after the marine installation and conduit installation during construction.

9. Monitor the sound levels in the water before and during the sea installation phase, and during the initial operation of the generator.

10. Monitor the impact on seabird life and marine mammal foraging and other behaviour in the surrounding water before and during the installation phase.

11. Monitor the effects of transportation of materials, crew and equipment during the sea installation and construction phases.


12. Provide ongoing feedback and evaluation to the environmental control personnel of Lester Pearson College and to any responsible environmental monitors of the individual contractors.

13. Identify and evaluate any mitigation and enhancement measures taken during the construction phase.

14. Recommend a protocol for ongoing marine monitoring to be carried out by Pearson College personnel over the next five years of operation of the energy system.

15. Provide a comprehensive report of the evaluation, the baseline assessment and the monitoring process.


7. Video of the type of organisms that grow in the area of the turbine site.

8. Pam and Jason of Archipelago Marine Document life forms along the cable path.

9. Video of impact of Concrete Anchor Placement for the Tidal Energy Project

10. Environmental Monitoring at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve related to the Pearson College-Encana-Clean Current Tidal Power Demonstration Project at Race Rocks: by Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine, 2006.



11. Environmental Impact of the Diesel Energy Power generation System at Race Rocks

Link to the Tidal Current Power Project Index