Change of Guardian


I am making final preparations to leave Race Rocks today after a 2 month shift.  Mike Robinson will be returning to take over responsibilities.  It has been a good time with some good storms, great students, and one special little elephant seal.

On Friday late afternoon for the first time I saw Squall in the shallow water near the jetty.  She didn’t venture any deeper than 2 ft and was usually only partially submerged.

She spent a lot of time with her head in the water and sliding around on the rocks in the small breaking waves.  She has been making her way down to the boat ramp area most evenings and back up in the mornings.








I have been working on finishing up two projects: compost container and building a base for a flammables container in the boat house.

There were 4 eco-tour vessels in the reserve on Saturday and 1 on Sunday.

Squall has just positioned herself directly in front of the basement door blocking my exit, I will miss her.