Original Engine Room at Race Rocks – (1860s)

Foundation of the original engine room from the tower. February 2007 Foundation looking south.February 2007 Foundation looking north. February 2007
Flywheel from the air compressor The flywheel is mounted on a bed of bricks, excavated from rubble piles near the tower
A moon shot of the flywheel below the tower.


Against the rock wall above the original concrete foundation of the old engine room, and below the tower, a group led by Hannah and Giovanni on one Project week did the digging out of soil, and replacement with crushed rock. . This allowed the creation of a natural looking corner for the old historic engine room equipment.
In this photo Hannah is on the bucket brigade carrying gravel.
Some of the artifacts that had accumulated by 2005. In 2006, the area had taken on a life of its own
Sylvia and Alex Chan examine the old engine parts. Looking straight down from the tower on the east side, one can see the concrete pathway which we believe went to the blacksmith shop. In the past, many old pieces of equipment were simply pushed over the side. In 2006,the old boiler which lay rusting in the intertidal zone for many years was starting to break up.
The storms in the winter of 2006 dispersed the parts of the boiler These pieces which are now small enough to move will be transferred to the collecting area. The other end of the boiler. This was carried up to shore on February 12, 2007 by members of the racerocks.com activity.See below. The hurricane in December 2006 moved rocks exposing more rubble below the energy building.
Link to the file on bricks of Race Rocks

The last of the rusted parts of the old boiler from the engine room shown above are carried up by Pearson College students in the Race Rocks Activity in 2007 to be part of the collection of other old parts stored at the base of the tower.

Archived Video on History of Race Rocks.


 Demolition at Race Rocks: Shows the stone building originally built at the base of the tower and the wooden foghorn tower. Both removed in the ’60’s and 70’s. See this file on the foghorns.  Darcy Mathews explains his research on Burial Cairns at Race Rocks to the Anthroplogy students from Pearson College.

Rusted parts of the old boiler from the engine room are carried up to a
collection of other old parts stored at the base of the tower.

History of Race Rocks with early photos.

Generator replacement by helicopter

For maintenance purposes, the Canadian Coast Guard is replacing one of the generators necessary to power Race Rocks. This piece of equipment is a 25kW Diesel generator located in the engine room situated in the southern part of the island. Hopefully, in the next decade, we will be able to switch to renewable energy to move a step further toward our goal of sustainability for the islands and protection of the environment.

This video was made by Ryan Murphy and Paulina Ponce de Leon in October of 2000.