Archived Video : Pearson College Diving Activity at Race Rocks

Underwater Webcasts by the Divers

David,Satoshi,Victor and others do the first Johan Ashuvud week at Race Rocks Testing of the underwater to surface DIVELINK communication system  Underwater Video at West Race Rocks.
Live underwater webcast to New York using underwater communication system
(Spring 2001)
Bluewater Diving- or tether diving, 2002. An initial test for the live webcasts in the June,2000 at Race Rocks.
Sea lions Visit Divers Video

The Underwater Environmental Data Sensor Bar.

In December 2000, the students and faculty of Pearson College install the first of the underwater environmental data sensors  Fouling -or succession– depends on how you look at it.

Underwater Work for the Tidal Energy Project

ADCP deployment for the Tidal Power Project Deployment and Retrieval of the ADCP from the Bottom of the Channel Succession Study of coatings and materials Chris Blondeau and Juan Carlos video the substrate at the site of the piling installation, and test the depth of the overburden.
Turbine site hydroid survey by Chris Blondeau and Juan Carlos Yabar, 2006


Pam and Jason from Archipelago Marine do their underwater survey of the location of the Piling Drilling for the Current Energy Project. Video on the Pearson College, EnCana, Clean Current Tidal Power Demonstration Project at Race Rocks


In December of 2007,The Pearson College Divers installed a set of junction boxes as part of a materials testing experiment for the tidal energy project.