2500 to 3000 sea birds feeding

-2002-01-03′, ’15:48:41′, ‘Another red letter day,calm sea,blue sky and wonderful warm sunshine. There were 3 – 1 mature ) Bald Eagles today. Counted 18 Black Oyster Catchers and again 7 Harlequins – 4 Male ). There was a lot of feed in the water in the tide lines, 200-300 hundred metres off the reserve to the west and north,and into Pedder Bay.There must have been 2500 to 3000 sea birds feeding. The eagles were flying low just skimming the surface, talons outstretched as they hit the water.As the eagles circled,the other birds flew off and landed some distance away, except for about 7 or 8 gulls that tried to ”herd” the eagles away.Every once in a while the eagles would dive at the gulls, I think more out of frustration from the harassment then wanting to catch the gull- it was the fish they were after.It is so quiet with the light wind that we have heard Elephant Seals vocalizing tonight.’, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’15:49:37 ,